Shekah's eportfolio

Why I want to become a teacher...
My Philosophy of being a teaching is changing the environment of a classroom in the best way possible. Growing up in the public school system of Guam, I can say that I have a lot of teachers that have surely impacted my life. In the 4th grade, I never understood how to read, but my teacher took his time and patience to make sure I was comprehending the readings. In middle school, I had a coach who encourage me to push for achievement so I can prove to myself that I am able to do anything. In high school, I had two math teachers who had absolute patience despite my many questions asked of one problem in the book. I experience having a strict teacher, but I absolutely loved it because she knew when to have fun and have lectures without being bored. These multiple teachers have done a great job raising and teaching me to be the person I am today.
My decision of becoming a secondary teacher or an elementary educator has been awfully hard to choose because I want to be able to teach what I love or give back to my community to impact and change their lives. When I thought hard and thoroughly about this, I have chosen to become an Elementary Educator because when I think of my past in elementary, I was never taught the importance of education so I believe that starting at a young age in school is very important for elementary teachers because their role is not to just teach about their lessons, it is more than learning the alphabet, and counting. It is also about raising them to show how much you care so they will not end up like someone you never want to turn into. As a student at the University of Guam, I want to pursue a career in Elementary Education for the sake of my future students because our future starts with theirs.